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CREC TPM Presentation 10.6.16 v2

This part of a set of materials on metrics of success shared with the TPM Academy on October 6, 2016.

Updated by Vermilion Advantage at 10/7/2016 9:11 AM; Shared with Public (All Users and General Public)
File All Industries Strategy 1 Curriculum Strategy 2 Strategy 3
Metrics Model v4

This part of a set of materials on metrics of success shared with the TPM Academy on October 6, 2016.

Updated by Vermilion Advantage at 10/6/2016 3:24 PM; Shared with Public (All Users and General Public)
File All Industries Strategy 1 Curriculum Strategy 2 Strategy 3
Metrics Model Year 2+

This part of a set of materials on metrics of success shared with the TPM Academy on October 6, 2016

Updated by Vermilion Advantage at 10/6/2016 3:23 PM; Shared with Public (All Users and General Public)
File All Industries Strategy 1 Curriculum Strategy 2 Strategy 3
Building the Talent Pipeline: An Implementation Guide

This implementation guide builds on the foundation set forth in the 2014 white paper,Managing the Talent Pipeline: A New Approach to Closing the Skills Gap, which identified how employers could leverage lessons learned from supply chain management and apply them to their education and workforce partnerships. The strategies identified in the current guide expands on this work and shows how key practices in supply chain management can inform employer action in organizing and managing the talent pipeline.

The guide is divided into six strategies that employers can use to be more effective end-customers of education and workforce partnerships. While each strategy can be pursued independently as a best practice, the strategies are intended to be coordinated as a systemic supply chain approach. Implementing the strategies in the recommended order will optimize the benefits received by employers.

Many of the strategies can be implemented by an individual employer, though they are designed to be shared activities among a consortium of employers. Small to midsize businesses will find immediate benefits in coordinating their efforts, while larger employers will find economies of scale and market leverage when working in concert with other employers to close the skills gap.

Each strategy begins with a description and definition. From there, each is divided into three steps with two levels of practice: Getting Started and Advanced Practice. Because users may be starting with different experiences, the guide is designed as a roadmap to help users achieve a more advanced level of practice relative to their unique starting points.

The authors recommend that users follow the steps sequentially and focus their efforts first on moving through the Getting Started practices. However, users may customize their approach and engage at the Advanced Practice level based on their needs and abilities.

Throughout the guide are examples that exemplify best practices from the national learning network. Finally, the concluding chapter, “Putting It All Together,” demonstrates how each of the strategies combines to form an employer-led talent supply chain approach.

Updated by Vermilion Advantage at 10/6/2016 9:03 AM; Shared with Public (All Users and General Public)
File Strategy 1 Strategy 4 Strategy 5 Strategy 6 Curriculum / Guidance
Common Employability Skills

The National Network has brought together the organizations that represent employers from major
economic sectors, and they have worked to identify the core set of fundamental skills that potential
employees need in the workplace – and a common vocabulary to explain them.

This model can take its place as the foundation for all industries to map skill requirements to credentials and to career paths. In doing so, this model allows employees to understand the skills that all industries believe prepare individuals to succeed.1 Educators and other learning providers will also have an industry-defined roadmap for what foundational skills to teach, providing individuals the added benefit of being able to evaluate educational programs to ensure they will in fact learn skills that employers value.

Updated by Vermilion Advantage at 10/3/2016 4:10 PM; Shared with Public (All Users and General Public)
File All Industries Knowledge Ability Nation Resources
Competencies for CNC Positions

This list includes NIMS Competencies for CNC positions (Machinist, Operator Turner, Operate Milling and Set-up Programmers) and Technical Competencies for CNC Operators/Machinists/Programmers Positions.

Updated by Vermilion Advantage at 10/3/2016 4:05 PM; Shared with Public (All Users and General Public)
File Advanced Manufacturing Skill Region Survey Resources